Friday, July 01, 2005

Fun with Kilts

Gotta admit, kilts are great. Air circulates where you're not really used to having it circulate.

Spent part of the day on the waters of Loch Ness today, and the monster remained bloody uncooperative, so I ended up spending the afternoon at a holiday camp, throwing hatchets.

Which is surprisingly therapeutic.

Tomorrow, Ben Nevis, tallest mountain in the UK, or, for those of us from the western United States, a hill.

But it's a hill with weather. Serious weather.

Clouds moving in for the third or fourth time today. The light on the hillsides is amazing, and last night, at about 3 am, when the sun started to rise, the sky was the most delicate shade of blue I've ever seen.

And now out to try and find haggis. No, I don't really want to, but this is my job, and I have to take it seriously.


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