Friday, September 09, 2005

The Wonderbeast

The dog in the picture is not dead, her neck is not broken. She's actually very, very comfortable, as best we can tell. At least, this is not an unusual position for her to be in.

Dogs do several things. I can't remember who said it--maybe Pam Houston?--but first, owning a dog ensures that you live in a place suitable for humans.

Second, dogs remind you that fun is quite simple. Chase the ball, bark at shadows.

Dogs also remind one that naps are very good things.

Bosco likes to chase her tail. Not so unusual. But the thing is, she sits on it first, so it can't escape.

What does any of this have to do with travel? Very simple. Dogs do it better than anyone else.

Bosco and I go for the same walk every night, fifteen minutes. We've done it for six or seven years now, and every single time, it's still exciting to her.


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