Sunday, November 13, 2005

First Trip

Where does the bend come that separates those who travel from those who don't? No telling.

But: my very first memory, which is easily datable to a couple weeks before my second birthday, is of being in the car.

It means nothing, but would anything be different if my first memory was of, say, sitting on the couch?


Blogger Dees Stribling said...

Good question, Ed. I'm fairly certain that my earliest memory is more stationary: sitting in a high chair, and suddenly pouring milk or some other liquid onto a plate that contained (at least) bacon, causing some uproar. My earliest memory of being Somewhere Else was in the Ozarks; maybe I had just turned four; and it involves the view from a roadside outlook, and my brothers climbing onto some large rocks, and standing seemingly far away.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My first travel remembrance was going down to Newport Beach with my parents and playing in the sand. Photos were taken, and that brings it all back. Also, I've enjoyed your blog and website....

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Dees' recollections, I'm reasonably certain the trip to the Ozarks was in June or July of 1965, when he was in fact four years old (I was 13.) He very likely doesn't remember it, but we stayed one night in Branson, Missouri, when it was just a lake resort, long before Yakov Smirnov showed up. I afraid I have no recollection of climbing on rocks, large or small. Doubtless it seemed a great thing to a very small child, and thus memorable, but insignificant to an adolescent, and consequently forgotten. I do recall looking for unsuccessfully for diamonds at the Crater of Diamonds in southwest Arkansas, however. JVStribling

12:00 PM  

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