Friday, December 02, 2005

Last Tango in the Canaries

Plane leaves in about six hours. Before that, have to meet the photographer, explain why I changed everything I said the story was going to be about.

But this morning I wrote the ending, and it´s one of the best endings I´ve ever written.

I had set the story up as an end of the world kind of thing. Now it´s much, much better, and of course, that´s one of the beauties of travel, the improvisation, the surprise. That tropical storm turned out to be a very, very good thing for me, although there are parts of the island here that still don´t have power or running water.

What does one do with two hours to kill in Santa Cruz? Could go down and watch the container port. See if the photography museum is ever actually open. Hang out in the really beautiful church, which is almost chiguresque, but not quite. And yes, I probably spelled that wrong, but what are the odds spell check knows how to spell it right?

I only rarely remember dreams, but last night, I dreamed of bats.


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