Sunday, December 04, 2005

What's Next

It's jet lag day, an important part of any trip. I never quite got onto European time, but I'm not anywhere near Arizona time, either, so the day is moving by in a haze, with a frightening amount of work to get done, starting tomorrow. Book proofs to check, four articles to write--maybe more, probably more, I'm bound to be forgetting things--pitching for the Japan trip. I actually turned down an invitation to go to Antarctica this next week because I'm just too busy.

And I'm hoping to be in the house I'm renting in Skagway before the end of the year. With the hospital, the travel, all the rest of it, I've been paying for an empty house for nearly two months now.

The idea of home is pretty much meaningless to me at this point. I've lived in this house for eleven years, but my mind is elsewhere. Very bad, from a Zen point of view, be here now, all that. I wish I could be more like the dog: wake up, walk outside, find a sunny spot, fall asleep.

Actually, I just wish I could get some sleep.

While I was in the Canaries, my dear friend Rachel ( won both first and third in Art & Antiques magazine's annual photo contest. Hooray for her, to say the least.

As for me, today, it's sitting in the chair, watching dull tv shows, and wondering what time it is. Tomorrow, life starts again, and it's gonna be way busier than a lazy person like me can likely handle.


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